The campaign on Kickstarter failed to reach the lofty goal, but the book production will continue on schedule. Thanks to all of you for supporting so far. So what happens next?
I’m reaching out to those who’ve already backed on Kickstarter, and those that now want to pre order a copy.
If you wish to pre order at the level you pledged on Kickstarter, go here. This opportunity will expire on 15th October.
And if you didn’t pledge on Kickstarter but you’re now ready to pre order, go here. This pre order price will expire on 15th December.
Shipping for all pre-orders is now cheaper worldwide, as well as having tiered pricing within NZ.
So why did I set up a Kickstarter campaign in the first place?
To reduce risk.
Simply put, I wanted to eliminate the financial risk and raise enough capital to print double the amount of books backed. But this was clearly too high a bar for a book that will arrive in the latter half of next year. For some others, the postage costs were too high. For others it was a case of wanting to back a winning horse. Others tell me that crowd funded book launches need a very low threshold as backers really want that book NOW.
I get it.
Just so you know, the Kickstarter campaign had over 200 backers, pledging $23,161 in total. This is a huge amount for a New Zealand publication that will only reach the shops in the latter half of 2022.
I’ve gone back to the drawing board with some more skin in the game. I figure that I’ve already done the risky part – climbing and photographing – and getting the final work out there may be risky financially, but I figure that money is replaceable and the message in the book too important. So please click through, register your interest, support and backing. Grab a copy for yourself and/ or one for friends and family.
I will keep you posted on progress and verify your address just before delivery, so please use a reliable email address. Estimated delivery is 1st August 2022, at least a month before the official launch, and maybe sooner if delivery from Asia goes according to plan.
Thanks again for your encouragement.
Until the next time, Gavin